So today, my Mother, Jenifer Andrus (Summerhays) turns one year older. I thought of just posting on her wall on facebook, but I felt she deserved more of an honor than just a sentence. I would like to give a little overview on how she truly makes me one of the luckiest men in St. George, Utah, if not the planet!
Many of you know my mother as a teacher at Lava Ridge Intermediate and already know she is one of the sweetest people you have met. She has made a reputation of being a caring personality who puts others first well before herself. She finds joy in making others happy and successful which I am sure is part of the reason she chose to be a teacher as her career. However, what you probably see in the classroom doesn't truly do her justice on how much she truly cares about one another 'cough, cough' especially me..'cough'. She sacrifices so much and if it makes people around her happy, she is happy. When she is happy, she has one of the sweetest grins that makes me want to give her a big hug, even though I try not to overdo it.
For me personally, I feel like she went through a lot more than, no offense, most mothers would have needed to go through to raise me up to what I have become today. In one of my previous entrys, I told about how I had to be taken to the crisis center for running away from home. About after that time, she had to make a decision, which she confessed to me recently, was one of the most difficult choices of her life and that was to transition from being under her primary custody, and making my Dad my primary caregiver. At that time, I always responded better to my Dad than my mother.
Before, I get to carried away and make this about myself, that is just one example of sacrifice she had to go through to allow me to develop into what I became. I know I sometimes say that I wish she wasn't as protective as she is, but all in all, that leaves little doubt that she truly loves and cares about me and wants nothing more for me than to be successful.
I use to be a very selfish son toward her and didn't look up to her very highly, but now adays, I love her to death and am super pleased to be her son. I am still a selfish son in a lot of ways. Much of our conversations now adays are about me going to the University of Utah next semester and looking back at what I used to be and how amazing it is to be where I am at now. I often make bragful questions like "would you have guessed I would be going to the U of U by age 22"? She would often respond, "I was just hoping you would get through high school"! I don't brag to her to say I am better or more amazing than my brothers. I just get so happy to make her proud, and to hear her say she is proud of my success fills me with tons of joy.
One of the hardest things of going to the U of U is I will not be having her live just 10 miles away from me, and I know it is hard for her to imagine that as well, but her support for me will make it OK. I am sure we will call or skype often to update each other how things are going with each other as well as updating her on my progress as a Ute.
Happy Birthday Mom!