I have constantly been thinking about how lucky I am. Growing up, so many doors were shut on me. I was told I had limitations. I was warned about how slow things would come to me if they would ever come at all.
Now I look at myself at age 20 almost 21. Here's a brief list of all my accomplishments I have made so far that at one time, many thought would come much later, if ever at all.
1. Work in the Special Ed Department at SCHS
2. Coaching Varsity Woman's Basketball as an Assistant
3. Got my Driver's Permit
4. Have gone a full year so far off medication.
5. Dixie Spirit Award
6. Mr. Dixie Pageant
7. Started Coaching Basketball at age 15
8. Mr. Warrior runner-up
9. SC Warrior Spirit award
10. Graduated High School in 2011
11. Moved out of my mom's at age 19
12. Freshmen Basketball Team Shooting Guard
So as you can see, I've accomplished many things so far. My life has been going up and up and up the last 5 years. I truly felt that things started going up when Dwain Schallenberger accepted me on the team. He was, who I personally felt, the first person to tell me I could do anything. He didn't believe I had as many limitations as people or myself believed I had.

After I graduated High School, things started going down again. I developed a medical condition that I felt was fatal. Not being able to have full control of my body for a year and a half was the worst thing I ever experienced. However, I am grateful that illness happened. If it hadn't happened, I don't think I would have as much faith and trust in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as I do now. While I was dealing with those Tourette's, I was constantly going from doctor to doctor and just getting worse. Jon Graf came in and gave me great advice. I won't give out all the details of what he told me because I don't want to start any conspiracy, but it was all about putting trust in Christ and myself as well. If you want to know more details, feel free to ask me personally.
For a while, I didn't take his advice. It sounded to risky and to good to be true. However a lot like a hopeful Father, he kept coming back. He never quit loving me and hoping the best for me. Eventually I got so sick that I couldn't hold food in my stomach. I read Mark 5 in the bible and read about that woman who had a blood related illness. She had a similar story to me getting worse and worse. She told herself if she can just touch Christ's clothes, she could be whole again. Jesus recognized even though he was constantly bumped and rubbed going through that ally. His disciples told him he was being bumped constantly and asked "why was this touch so different". This woman had faith and intended to reach for him and being the loving Savior he is recognized through her faith. "Thy faith has made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague." That revealed to me personally that I needed to do the same thing. He wasn't there physically but I practiced faith with help from Jon's father Jan, that he is still there waiting to be reached to spiritually. When I practiced this and went through all the steps Jan told me to go through, the tourette's, the anxiety disorder, and anything else seemed to stop as if someone flicked a light switch and turned them off. Since that point of my life, I have never denied Christ and how powerful he truly is. I have developed a testimony in him. I feel I can't deny him for that moment I had with him. I can't say I haven't questioned certain teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but I never questioned, is Christ really there. I know he is. I know he loves me to no end and is ready to listen to my prayers if I continue to be faithful.

Now when I look at myself in the mirror, not to sound like Mulan or anything, I see a man who is happy, confident, faithful, and is ready to face any challenge that faces him while a while ago, I would've, figuratively speaking, bowed down to that challenge out of fear that I was incapable of doing such things. I am constantly climbing the mountain. The rough parts don't scare me any more. Instead I work harder because I've seen the big picture of what I want to accomplish and that goal motivates me to keep going. One of those is college. I have my moments where I want to put off that homework assignment but when I remember why I'm there, I choose to keep going.
So am I a lucky person? I'd say I'm more blessed than lucky. This was mean't to happen! Heavenly Father was just waiting for the right moment to bring these opportunities.